Vitiligo Treatment in Delhi – Vitiligo Surgery in Delhi
Care Well Medical Center offers the best cost of Vitiligo Treatments in Delhi or Vitiligo Surgery in Delhi, India and in fact offers the latest treatment with best and proven results. Vitiligo treatment is performed by an experienced Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Sandeep Bhasin.
People who suffer from Vitiligo no longer have to worry because at Care Well Medical Centre we perform various combination of procedures to treat vitiligo*. Vitiligo is a skin condition which usually spreads on to our hands, face and torso & before we talk about Vitiligo Treatment we should know about, what exactly Vitiligo is.
Melanocyte Transplant Surgery is the most advanced treatment available in India to treat Stable Vitiligo*. Results can be seen in just 2-3 months*. Completely natural treatment. Treatment also available for Unstable Vitiligo.

Know More about Melanocyte Transplantation
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Best Procedure with Lowest Package available to treat Vitiligo*
What is Vitiligo?
Vitiligo is a skin condition in which white patches and blotches start appearing on the skin. It can spread down to different body parts. These patches affect the self esteem and outlook of a person. Certain patients take ample amount of time to get used to this condition.
Vitiligo is caused by the lack of Melanin, which is a pigment that provides the characteristic colour of the skin. The patches are caused due to the erosion of pigment-forming cells known as melanocytes. The reason of this erosion is not known as of now. Yet a fairly common presumption is that the immune system destroys these pigments, like in most autoimmune conditions.
Vitiligo affects most races equally but the affects are more evident on people with a darker skin tone than the light skinned people. More than 2% of the world population is affected by this condition. Most patients develop this condition in early years of their life, between the ranges of 10-30 years of age. People affected with the condition might develop the disorder by the age of 40.
Vitiligo runs through families and people with a history of premature greying of hair or a family history of vitiligo are more exposed to the risk of acquiring or developing vitiligo. Autoimmune diseases are other conditions that can trigger vitiligo, such as thyroid autoimmune condition also called Hashimoto’ thyroiditis.
How much cost of Vitiligo Treatment?
The average cost of vitiligo treatment would range from Rs. 35,000 ($514.589) to 1 lakh ($1470.25)..

Symptoms of Vitiligo
Symptoms of vitiligo include the rampant loss of pigment cells on various areas of the skin which can cause white patches to form. The initial period of white patch formation will be followed by a stable period of no further formation of patches. However after this period of inactivity, the pigment loss begins again and another period of stability will follow. Vitiligo mostly affect areas that come under the exposure to sun, armpits, sites of injury or areas of body opening. It’s not possible for the pigment to redevelop once lost, the condition also affects hair and eyelids.
A doctor can diagnose a patient of vitiligo after a physical examination. There is no formal cause or cure of pigmentation. Several techniques are available in the market for re-pigmentation or cosmetic purposes. UV light therapy, corticosteroid creams, de-pigmentation of unaffected skin areas, and skin grafting, can be used to improve the appearance of skin in case a person is severely affected by vitiligo.
Some Excellent Results (Before & After)
Vitiligo Treatment
We perform skin grafts surgery taken from healthy donor skin to cover the patches with high success rate at our Delhi Clinic.
We use the following techniques to help our patients: